Thursday, July 14, 2011

Should've been an A-Side...

Paul McCartney is one of the best singer/songwriters like, EVAR! Even without John Lennon as his partner-in-crime, his lyrics with Wings are still great to me. One of his Wings songs that I've been listening to a lot recently is Daytime Nighttime Suffering, a B-Side to Goodnight Tonight. While all of his A-Sides kick butt, I think Daytime Nighttime Suffering kicks butt AND groin. ;D

Here's the A-Side, Goodnight Tonight:

So...what's your opinion? Which song do you think should be the A/B-side? Tell me and the rest of the world your thoughts by commenting below!


  1. I totally agree with you. When i saw it playing on your channel, it reminded me how much i love that song :)Definatly should have been an A side

  2. I agree-really should been A side.
    I just founded your blog and I'm already loving it :) It's so great to find another Beatlemaniac-I don't know any other.. but your blog is surely wonderful :)

  3. Hi, I've got to reply at your comment in your blog, because blogger doesn't let me to write comments at my blog.. o.O
    Thanks for you, and I know it can be pretty hard to understand my blog if you are not from Finland. That's why I'm starting to write more in English. Keep in eye :)
    My name is Pauliina. May I ask some questions: How old you are and what country are you from? Not trying to be rude, I'm just curious :)
    And sorry my typos, I'm pretty sure there is some...

  4. I forgot to ask: do you have Youtube channel? If so, what's it's name? :)

  5. yes!!! He was good without Lennon! ive heard some say he is terrible!! But i love this song! and he shows hes a fab song writer!!!


Anyone can comment, even if you don't have an account! But please, no hating. All we need is love, everybody.