Friday, July 22, 2011

Viva, Las Vegas!

My family and I are leaving tomorrow to go to Vegas & see the Beatles LOVE show on Monday!!!!! :D
WOW, I am super excited about this!

We are also stopping by Yellowstone National Park and many other states.
Oh, this is gonna be gear!
I won't be able to blog for about a week so this is sort of my short farewell. I cannot wait until I get there...I've read many reviews, comments, and seen pictures about the LOVE show and it sounds super amazing! I wish I can take each and every one of you with would've been such a great Beatlemaniacs party!! ;D

Men in tights = wtf.
Beatles in tights = OMG.
Stop and smell the roses!
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...cause he was making space for the Beatles!

Bye, my friends! See you all in a little bit! In the mean time, just remember:

All you need is <3


  1. Oh my GOD. You're going to see LOVE-show?!? You don't have a clue how jealous I am!! :D
    But seriously, I'm happy for you :)Have a great time!

  2. YEAH!!! Better post how it went!!


Anyone can comment, even if you don't have an account! But please, no hating. All we need is love, everybody.