Wednesday, July 13, 2011

LOVE: There's an app for that.

If you're either a Beatles fan, a person who's a constant in Vegas, or both, you have probably heard of the Beatles Cirque du Soleil show titled "LOVE". It has been in program for five successful years and continues to remain one of the most popular Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas. My family and I just bought our tickets recently and are planning to go in less than a month!! (Ahh, I can't wait!!!)

Not really sure what I'm talking about?
Check out the app for more info!
Plus, the app holds more than just a paragraph about the show; it provides news about it, videos, pictures, bios, music samples, and a bunch more. There is also a fan wall where you can post pictures and chat along with other Beatlemaniacs like you and me!
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and download it!

1 comment:

Anyone can comment, even if you don't have an account! But please, no hating. All we need is love, everybody.