Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The choir of children sing their song...

Ohohoho it's that time of year again!!! Time for giving and receiving and asking your parents for endless band merchandise... Christmas! Or whatever holiday that doesn't offend you ;) Wonderful Christmastime has always played in department stores and radios all my life, but I actually never knew it was written by the legend himself, Sir Paul McCartney! This song is, unfortunately, one of the last songs that Wings ever recorded together because this was from the last album they created as a band. You know, I love Wings very much. And I'm not talking about the food. But that can be saved for a different post.
I really like the music video for this very much. Paul looks great being almost 40 here, and Linda just completes him, the ever lovely Linda!

Anyways, I'm just trying to spread a bit of the holiday spirit to my friends of the Interwebs! I'll be back soon; in the meantime, I hope you are all simply having a wonderful Christmastime!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Liar... Nooobody believes me!

I know.
I know.

I told myself that I would try to commit a reasonable amount of time back to my blogspot, but I have failed myself and my readers! To be honest, I have spent more of my time on my Tumblr blog. That's not the only reason though... I have also become quite lazy! xD Blogging takes time and I sometimes, I don't have enough. I am currently in the 11th grade, and it has been the MOST CHALLENGING school year of my life! I'm taking all advanced classes, and some of them are ludicrous... take Physics for example. When in life do I need to know how to find the centrifugal force of a spinning ball?!

Or whatever it is.

That's right. NEVER.

Well, unless I become a Physics major or something, but I know that will never happen.

Alright, I won't spend the rest of this blog in a state of complaining about schoolwork. This time, I really really promise to at least post once a week here on Blogspot! I miss this place... this is where I spent my early fangirl years and met my first Internet friends! It's time to rekindle those lost sparks!

Party time!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hello goodbye, hello goodbye!

It has been sooo long since I have blogged here... I think I have been gone for almost a year! :O

Anyways, I apologize for my long absence. It's because I am now mostly on my Tumblr blog nowadays. It is quite fun, I suggest you sign up for one if you are looking for more Beatlemaniacs and Queenies to talk to!

Summer is winding down to a close, and school is inevitably nearing. I'll try to update here more often when I find the time and recover some long lost ties with some of you people! I have missed talking to you!