Thursday, August 4, 2011

Words of LOVE

Oh. Em. Gee.
The Beatles LOVE show was
It's very hard to describe the experience I had during the show without exploding with squeals and hand-flapping. Sitting there with the Beatles' music in surround sound, I was just in awe of how truly gifted and inspiring they were...and still are. I wish I could have taken each and every one of you to see it with was SO AMAZING!!!

Pictures weren't allowed in the show, but I was prepared to be a rebel and take some anyway.
right beside us was a guard (in his sergeant looking uniform, hehe) so my rebeliousness was not to be.

Here is probably the part you've been waiting for:
Picture time!

There it is!!!

This was the day before we actually watched the show. We couldn't wait so we went ahead to The Mirage (it was in walking distance from our hotel) to check out the gift shop, the LOVE Boutique.

The Mirage - the hotel where all the lovin' happens

The picture below - this is the first thing you see when you walk in!

Here, we're inside the hotel, and now (below) right in front of the entrance to heaven.

*insert angel choir singing "Ahhhhh" here*

Here's the hallway:
Er, WALKway more like it.

So trippy!!

To the right is the gift shop.
To the left, you can see one of the security officers in his red 'uniform'. ;D
To the far middle, there is a lighted wall with the Beatle's jumping shadows on it that changes colors! (I think I remember the whole hallway glowing brightly in different colors every few seconds!)

Above is inside the boutique. That's only one side of it...there's more. ;)

Want this on your wall? Then click here!

The place was FULL of Beatles merchandise and paraphernalia. They sold everything Beatles related from their albums, posters, shirts, and even a picture explaining how they drew the Beatles cartoons! (Signed by Peter Sander, the mind behind the 33 episodes of laughter and horrible voice actors - priced at $549.)

Below is a picture of another surprising element in the store...
Paul McCartney's original Hofner Bass signed by all 4 members of the Fab Four!!!  

At least that's what it said on the little sidenote at the bottom of the glass framed guitar.
Anyways, here's another thing you see in the gift shop!

Yup, more shirts!!!
Just kidding, I was talking about the Blue Meanie.

Speaking of shirts, here's the one that my brother bought!
Four names...but it says a lot.
I'm planning to steal it from him sometime in the future. Just sayin'.

Alright, about the show now!!! Here it is...

...the stairway to heaven.

I really don't want to mention too many details about the show because I want YOU to be as surprised and excited as I was when I first saw it. The less you know, the better your first-time experience will be. ;)

But I can surely guarantee you one thing though; throughout the whole spectacle, you will be AMAZED and kept at the edge of your seat! Many people laughed along with the performers, and you can even hear them sing along (especially to Hey Jude, of course, hehe!). There are speakers at the back of your head on the chair and a long speaker runs the length of your row in front of you. Now that's what you call surround sound! Also, the theater is pretty small and compacted so no matter where you sit, you can still feel the magnificence of the show. We sat in the balcony. As you can tell from the picture below, our view was still excellent. The costumes of the performers were wild and crazy! The energy coming from the stage is so intense that you can feel it. Plus, SO many things are happening at once; you simply cannot absorb every minute detail going on during the show! That means you can watch it more than once and every one will be a new event.

I managed to take a wimpy number of 3 pictures of the actual show. Here is one I took near the end when they were singing "All You Need is Love", the final song of the epic program.

There were 4 huge curtains that acted as projector screens. They would bring it up or down in the duration of the show and small clips of the Beatles (or whatever else effect they added) would appear.
As the song faded, they showed in each curtain John, George, Paul, and Ringo. It overwhelmed me, even made me teary eyed, just seeing those pictures and thinking how much influence they had in this world of ours. They gave us a light when our paths were muddled with war, drugs, and misunderstanding. Through their music, our senses, our hearts, were opened.

Peace and love, everyone :)


  1. wow, thats amazing!!! by the way, its Roberta :D

  2. MARIAH!!!!!!!!!

    With love from me to you :) :) <3 <3

    --Guess who--


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