Sunday, September 18, 2011

I will.

Paul McCartney and his fiance, Nancy Shevell, are getting married!

I am crying inside.
They didn't invite me.

Congratulations to the new couple!

Some sources say that they are getting married/got married today, September 18th, but others say that the date is not yet finalized. But one thing we know for sure is that they will/had wed at the same place where Paul and Linda married nearly 40 years ago at the Old Marylebone Town sweet is that. :)

Their wedding won't be as extravagant as the one he had with Heather, but it will only be a small family affair.

Paul had suffered so much with his previous marriage that I truly hope that this will be a great one. Nancy is so nice and pretty and in the pictures of her and Paul, Paul's face just lights up at the sight of her.

I send my congratulations to Paul and Nancy, wherever you guys are!

1 comment:

  1. i really hope this one works out for paul. he deserves someone to love him :)


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